Thursday, September 8, 2016

Hello everyone! It's been awhile, again, since I've been here. Time just seems to get away from me. And life has been distracting this month. But I'm here now!

Today I discovered I have been bested by a 4 year old for weeks now! My grandson, Jonathan, had me & his Mom believing he just wasn't catching on to his ABC's. We diligently kept working with him using the curriculim I put together, but it seemed he was still struggling to identify letters. Here he is working away...

Well, today he was playing a game on PBS kids & to my amazement he picked the correct letter at least 95% of the time! Needless to say, Mommy & Gramma have decided an official K4 school year is finally upon us!

Rather than design the curriculum ourselves my daughter & I decided to go with a program my youngest daughter shared with us. It looks fantastic, is definitely affordable on a single mom's budget & a great deal of the worksheets & games can be easily modified for my daughter to use! Yay!!

If anyone out there is looking for an affordable & well put together curriculum for your little ones check it out.

Thanks for visiting my blog & have a very blessed day!