Friday, August 5, 2016

Hello Everyone! Today I want to talk a little about learning to adjust our meals & snacks for my 2yo granddaughter, Hannah. (She is the other adorable blonde in the collage)
Hannah has a dairy intolerance, so we have had to change a lot of our thinking when it comes to meals & snacks when she's here. It is unbelievable how much stuff milk is in that you would never have guessed!

One of the biggest changes has been finding milk alternatives for her. After doing much research we decided not to go with soy products, just our personal choice. So we use a lot of almond milk, cashew milk or coconut milk. Hannah seems to prefer almond milk. We are also always on the lookout for good dairy free products such as yogurt & ice cream.The one thing we just don't buy or cook with when she is here is cheese. Why? Because in our opinions it is just plain gross!

Trying to find these types of products sent me into sticker shock! And it gave me a whole new respect & empathy for families dealing with food sensitivities/allergies! It has also driven me to get creative with my cooking & baking. A few days ago I made a yummy frozen treat for all the grandkids to enjoy after an evening swim---banana peanut butter bars. And they loved them!

3 frozen bananas
1/3 cup peanut butter(we use all natural, butter free)
2 tbls honey
Almond milk as needed for consistency

Blend these ingredients together til thick & creamy. Pour in popsicle molds & freeze.
Makes 8


  1. The coconut ice cream at Hyvee and walmart is actually pretty good! It's expensive so it'd have to be an occasional treat but it's not that bad.

    I had to be dairy free for a while with Briarleigh.

    Also watch premade seasoning packets, most have whey. Also anything with caramel color.

  2. The coconut ice cream at Hyvee and walmart is actually pretty good! It's expensive so it'd have to be an occasional treat but it's not that bad.

    I had to be dairy free for a while with Briarleigh.

    Also watch premade seasoning packets, most have whey. Also anything with caramel color.
